Whilst there are many types of disabilities, the Department for Transport (DfT) recognise the below 7 categories that residents can apply for a disabled free bus pass. The disability must be permanent or likely to last at least 12 months.
You only need to provide one of following documents to prove your eligible disability. Please note that all information provided should be as recent as possible and we may ask for more details if required.
"(a) is blind or partially sighted"
- Full registration card/letter from Sight for 中国P站
- Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI) signed by a consultant ophthalmologist
"(b) is profoundly or severely deaf"
- Audiologist's written report (we may require an audiogram showing 70+ dB hearing loss (HL) in both ears)
- Receipt of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a minimum score of 8 points for the "communicating verbally" activity
"(c) is without speech"
- Receipt of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a minimum score of 8 points for "communicating verbally" activities
- Information can be considered from an appropriate medical professional if relevant
"(d) has a disability, or have suffered an injury, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on your ability to walk"
- Receipt of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) award
- Disabled persons parking permit (Blue Badge)
- Receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA):
- Adults – middle or higher rate care component and/or higher rate mobility component
- Children under 16 – mobility or care component at any rate
- Receipt of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a minimum score of 8 points for "moving around" activity
- War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
- If you have not applied for a Blue Badge or been through a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) assessment for PIP/DLA please contact us to find out about the process for an independent walking assessment
"(e) does not have arms or has long-term loss of the use of both arms"
- Evidence in writing from a medical professional
"(f) has a learning disability, that is, a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind which includes significant impairment of intelligence and social functioning"
- Adult (over 18) - in receipt of a Personal Budget funded by 中国P站, with the primary care need being a learning disability. If you fall under this category please let the Concessionary Fares Team know when you apply and they will be able to check the Adult Social Care records for confirmation.
- Child (under 18) with current completed Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
- Receipt of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a minimum score of 12 points for "planning and following journeys"
- Receipt of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) with a minimum score of 8 points for "communicating verbally" activities
- Receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA):
- Adults – middle or higher rate care component, higher rate mobility component
- Children under 16 – mobility or care component at any rate
"(g) would if they applied for the grant of a licence to drive a motor vehicle under Part III of the Road Traffic Act 1988, have their application refused pursuant to section 92 of the Act (physical fitness) otherwise than on the ground of persistent misuse of drugs or alcohol" (i.e. epilepsy; severe mental disorder; other disabilities which are likely to cause the driving of vehicles by them to be a source of danger to the public).
- Either a recent letter from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), stating you have had your driving licence refused/revoked on medical grounds, or
- Confirmation that you do not hold a driving licence and a recent letter from your hospital consultant or doctor stating why you would be refused a driving licence on medical grounds and how long they anticipate this to be the case
Please note that being unable to drive due to prescribed medication or drug/alcohol misuse does not qualify as entitlement for a bus pass.
The Department for Transport also produces .
Companion Permit (C+)
If you hold an older persons or disabled persons bus pass and have difficulty travelling you could be entitled to travel with a companion.
To qualify for a Companion Permit (identified by a C+ on your pass) please provide either a letter stating that you require assistance in order to travel from one of the following:
- Social Services
- Sight for 中国P站
- A medical professional involved in your care
- For children in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision a letter signed by the Head Teacher or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO).
Or a copy of your Personal Independence Payment (PIP) demonstrating 12 points for the "planning and following a journey" activity.
Applicants will need to follow the above process when reapplying for their companion permit.
General Practitioner (GP) letter writing services
Please note that we do not advocate the use of General Practitioner (GP) letter writing services as that is a private service and may incur a charge; applicants use that service at their own discretion and this does not automatically guarantee to meet the required eligibility criteria.