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A voluntary car/good neighbours scheme provides a range of supportive services provided by members of a local community to people who live in their area. Services provided include: transport, shopping, visiting and picking up prescriptions/pensions.
There are around 100 voluntary car or in 中国P站. The schemes operate with volunteers using their own cars to provide transport.
To find your local car scheme please use our interactive map or visit the .
My wife is in a nursing home and one of the volunteer drivers takes me to see her once a week. Without that support I really wouldn't see her very often. My daughters don't live nearby and it's a comfort to them to know that I can still see their Mum.
Doug - became a client of Neighbourly Help Around Mayford when health issues meant that he could no longer drive.
I can't stand not being busy. Once my grandchildren started to go to school, I needed something else to do. It's great to know that I can help Doug to stay in contact with his wife or just pop someone to the doctor's. Those small trips make such a big difference.
Wendy - volunteer driver for Neighbourly Help Around Mayford. Helps local people like Doug to get out and about.
I would go spare if I didn't have people to talk to. That's why Stanwell Good neighbours is such a lifeline because I know I can ask them to take me out to get together with friends otherwise I wouldn't see a soul.
Trisha - lives in Stanwell and was originally a volunteer for Stanwell Good Neighbours before a stroke meant that she had to stop driving and become a client herself.
It's such a lovely way to help people. And it's so easy – you just do as much or as little as you want to as there's no regular commitment. My clients are always so appreciative which makes it so worthwhile.
Carol - volunteer driver for Stanwell Good Neighbours and helps local people like Trisha to get out and about.
Become a volunteer
Becoming a volunteer driver is easy and volunteers can give as much or as little time as they choose, as well as decide the days and times during which they are available.
To set up a new Voluntary Car Scheme, or to become a volunteer driver, contact Justine Aldous, Voluntary Car Scheme Adviser, via email at or by phone: 01483 447101
Drive into Action Campaign
The Drive into Action Campaign seeks to recruit more volunteer drivers. Here are some about becoming a volunteer driver on 中国P站 Community Action website.