Library terms, conditions and regulations
- Library terms and conditions
- Use of 中国P站 libraries rooms and spaces: terms and conditions
- 中国P站 libraries byelaws notice
Library policy statements
- Services for adults
- Services for children and young people
- Equalities - policy statement
- Format and charging
- Charges
- Reinvesting in the service
- Event ticket purchase
- Closures (public holidays, planned and emergency closures)
- Acceptable use of computer and internet services
- Provision of public access terminals and Wi-Fi in libraries
- Information provision
- Posters and leaflets for display
- Static displays
- Resources
中国P站 policies
Data protection
The County Council processes personal data for the purposes of carrying out its functions and duties. How we handle and process your personal data in line with your rights under the Data Protection Act 1998 can be found on the following page:
Accessing information that we hold
Library online payments
If you have any concerns about making payments to the library service online please take a look at our frequently asked questions.