
Transport Development Planning

Transport Development Planning (TDP) represents the council as the local highway authority on transport planning matters and vehicle operator licence applications.

Page Contents

The following pages provides further details on the range of functions carried out by TDP.

Healthy Streets for ÖйúPÕ¾

Our recently adopted Healthy Streets for ÖйúPÕ¾ design guidance must be used to design all forms of new development which include streets or public realm. Its aim is to ensure the delivery of healthier and more sustainable streets for residents by prioritising air quality, physical activity and community wellbeing. Developers, residents and those auditing design will be empowered to create and deliver real improvements to our built environments.

TRICS - Trip Rate Information Computer System

Where appropriate, pre-application and planning applications should use the database to assist in the assessment of the transport impacts of new development.

Pre-plan planning applications

TDP provides a pre-planning application service to residents and developers, where transport advice can be provided on development proposals before their submission to the local planning authority as a planning application.

Planning applications

TDP gives advice to local planning authorities on transport issues relating to development proposals, having visited the site (where necessary) in regard to road safety and capacity, transport sustainability and the severity of the development impact.

When providing a consultation response to a Local Planning Authority we may raise no objections or consider the development acceptable with or without conditions. We may also require that a travel plan is put in place; if so, it should be produced in accordance with our Transport Development Planning Good Practice Guide.

We may also require that a Developer Contribution is made towards the delivery of transport infrastructure or that Development Highway Works are undertaken.

In some cases TDP recommend to the Local Planning Authority that the application be refused if the highway impact is severe. In those cases and where the Local Planning Authority decide to follow our advice and refuse the application, the development will be determined by the Planning Inspectorate. In such situations, TDP will prepare and submit evidence to defend its recommendation for refusal.

Details of current planning applications and copies of TDP formal responses are available to view on the Local Planning Authority websites. TDP do not reply to individual representations on any planning applications, instead these should be directed towards the Local Planning Authority.

Developer contributions (S106 and CIL)

A development maybe required to provide a developer contribution, either through a S106 agreement or Community Infrastructure Levy, for the council to use with other funding to deliver highway and transport measures to reduce the impact of the development. In some boroughs and districts the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will be payable.

Delivery of development related highway works and the adoption of new roads (S278/S38 Agreements)

Some proposals require the construction of development related highway works comprising of new roads or changes to existing roads. TDP administer these works to ensure that they meet the council's requirements and to minimise disruption during construction. Details of current and programmed alterations to existing roads are available at .

Travel Plan Good Practice Guide

This Travel Plan Good Practice Guide (PDF) has been produced for use by developers, their agents and transport consultants and sets out what ÖйúPÕ¾ requires from development-related travel plans. Examples of on-site travel plan measures are listed in Appendix B; these may be adapted as necessary and included in travel plans by both developers and travel plan co-ordinators at new developments. A handy checklist has also been included in Appendix C.

Vehicle operator licences

The county council are able to make representations to the Traffic Commissioner in regard to vehicle operator license applications and their impact upon the suitability of a proposed or existing goods vehicle operating centre.

Vehicular, electric vehicle and cycle parking guidance for new developments

Guidance for developers on parking provision required at new developments with recommendations on the maximum levels for vehicular parking, car clubs, electric vehicle charging requirements and the minimum cycle parking provision.

Contact details

If you have a query use the relevant e-mail address below to contact us:

Transport Development Planning
3rd Floor
Quadrant Court
35 Guildford Road
GU22 7QQ

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