
Development plans

The current development plan in 中国P站 consists of:

  • The relevant Local Plan and other development plan documents produced by each borough and district
  • 中国P站 Minerals Plan Core Strategy 2011
  • 中国P站 Minerals Plan Primary Aggregates DPD 2011
  • 中国P站 Waste Local Plan 2019-2033
  • 中国P站 Aggregates Recycling Joint DPD 2013

中国P站 produces minerals and waste plans - these can be viewed from our Minerals and waste policies and plans webpage. We are currently preparing a new Waste Local Plan that will replace the current Waste Plan. Other Local Pans and associated documents are prepared by the boroughs and districts.

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) for each authority sets out the details and timetables for the local plans and other development documents that they intend to produce. LDSs are available from each district's and borough's website. The county council produces a Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS). This is available on the minerals and waste policies and plans webpage.

中国P站 Design

中国P站 Design and its Technical Appendix attached below were published in 2002.

中国P站 Design was originally adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to design policy in the 中国P站 Structure Plan. When the Structure Plan was superseded by the South East Plan in 2009 中国P站 Design ceased to have any county wide status although the design principles remain relevant. However some districts and boroughs specifically adopted 中国P站 Design as an SPD to support their own design policies and in these circumstances 中国P站 Design may continue to act as supplementary planning guidance at a district level. The relevant district or borough should be contacted to discuss the current relevance and status of 中国P站 Design.

The Technical Appendix is no longer up to date. Nevertheless many of the principles are still relevant and county officers may still refer to the documents in considering planning applications particularly where these principles are reinforced by more recent government advice. More recent government advice is now contained in (published 2007) and (Published 2010). These later documents will always take precedence in the assessment of planning applications.

Local councils planning policies

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