
Planning application forms

Local validation list update

Please note the latest version of our local list with guidance for making a planning application was adopted on 3 January, 2024. This will be used by our case officers for validating planning applications we receive.

中国P站 deals with applications for

  • minerals and waste related developments, and
  • developments to its own property, such as schools and libraries (known as Regulation 3).

We have forms for these types of applications below.

Planning applications for building, extending or converting homes, offices or shops are handled by the borough and district councils within 中国P站. provides an introduction to .

To help you apply for planning permission we have produced a local list with guidance for making a planning application.

If you are in any doubt about which form to use, please contact our Technical Support Team on 020 8541 9897 or email us at:

Your personal data

Planning is a statutory function and any information is held on the lawful basis of public task (in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended, related orders and regulations).

If you have submitted a planning application to 中国P站 or made a comment on a planning application, your name, address and contact details will be saved in our files, electronic and paper. We do this so we can notify you of amendments to the proposal, the outcome of the application, if an appeal is lodged against the application, and subsequent applications in respect of the site. This information will be retained indefinitely as part of the background information on which the planning decision has been based.

Additionally, all submissions will be sent to the relevant Borough or District Council to be placed on the Planning Register, as this is their responsibility. In the event of an appeal or a 'call-in' by the Secretary of State, your submissions may be copied to the Planning Inspectorate or the National Planning Casework Unit. More information is available in our privacy policy.

Planning Portal applications

The planning portal can be used for all applications, except mineral related applications. Links are provided directly to the PDF forms, which can be completed and sent to us electronically or printed and sent by post. With the exception of oil and gas applications you can use the form to complete your application and pay the planning fee up-front; note Planning Portal charge their own fee for using this service.

Application for approval of details reserved by condition (details pursuant) for minerals, waste and Regulation 3 types

Certificates of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development and Certificates of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development

The applications for Certificates of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development (CLEUD) and Certificates of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD) that can be found on the Planning Portal, are listed below with guidance notes.

Non-Material Amendment (NMA) following a Grant of Planning Permission

Onshore oil and gas developments and extraction planning permission

Prior Approval of Demolition (PAD)

Please note that using the PDF is currently the only option for PAD applications, as the Planning Portal have removed the online version for Regulation 3 development.

Regulation 3 planning applications

  • Regulation 3 (standard) -
  • for developments which 中国P站 proposes to carry out itself or jointly

Section 73 – removal or variation of planning conditions

Waste Treatment or Disposal and Ancillary Development

  • Waste related development -
  • for waste related developments

Mineral working and ancillary development (all application types)

This application type must be accompanied by an Ownership Certificate (PDF).

  • Annex 1 - Mineral Exploration (PDF). Complete this form in addition to the main minerals application form, for mineral working, waste treatment or disposal and associated development for proposals involving mineral exploration (excluding oil or gas) and requiring planning permission.

Payment of the appropriate fee can either be made by cheque or .

Review of Minerals Planning Permissions (ROMP) provisions of the Environment Act 1995 - applying for new conditions to mineral planning permissions

If you are in any doubt about which form to use, please contact our Technical Support Team on 020 8541 9897 or email us at:

Files available to download

  • Annexe 1 Mineral Exploration (PDF)
    Complete this form (in addition to the main application form) for mineral working, waste treatment or disposal and associated development for proposals involving mineral exploration (excluding oil or gas) and requiring planning permission
  • Ownership Certificate (PDF)
    One copy of the appropriate Certificate (A, B, C or D) must be completed including being dated and signed. It must accompany the Application - see "National Requirements" in the Local List
  • Application for ROMP (PDF)
    Application for determination of conditions for mineral site/mining site

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