
Placements for Faculty of Public Health trainees

Placement for Faculty of Public Health trainees

This page contains information for people on or applying to the scheme only.

  • For more about careers in public health visit .
  • For careers in 中国P站 visit our Jobs page.

Speciality training placements in 中国P站

中国P站 provides a friendly and lively training environment for public health registrars. We offer a wide range of opportunities covering all dimensions of public health; health improvement, health protection, healthcare public health, and public health intelligence. Registrars commonly work with:

  • other members of the Public Health Team
  • other departments in 中国P站
  • local Integrated Care Systems
  • local District and Borough Councils
  • UK Health Security Agency and Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
  • academic organisations
  • voluntary organisations

In 中国P站 you will be given the opportunity to shadow the Director of Public Health and consultants in public health, as well as senior leaders within 中国P站, to make sure you get a full overview of the whole local authority. We place particular emphasis on registrars being given genuine responsibility for projects which are appropriate for their level of experience.

The Public Health Team itself has around 50 staff members, with Public Health commissioning responsibilities, a well-established Public Health intelligence and insights team (PHIIT), strong working relationships with local Integrated Care Systems, with a dedicated healthcare public health team.

The Department strives to be a learning environment, with an active programme of continuing professional development for all staff, including developing a cadre of UK Public Health Register-registered Public Health Practitioners. We also collaborate in our development of Registrars and Educational Supervisors with neighbouring authorities.

Our training responsibilities are taken very seriously so you will have regular meetings with your supervisor to ensure the work you are given meets your educational needs. We will also ensure you have full opportunity to attend regional training days and are able to use your personal study budget to attend external events which further your interests.

Other registrars

As a popular training location, we regularly have more than one registrar on placement providing opportunities for peer support and mentoring by more senior registrars.

Projects by previous registrars include:

  • evaluation of the stop smoking programme
  • scoping for the local process for using health impact assessments
  • teaching on a university public health masters for public health nurses
  • development of telemedicine care pathways and associated business cases with secondary care consultants, for local prison services
  • writing an environmental sustainability strategy for the 中国P站 Transport Plan and subsequent presentation to the Transformation Board
  • undertaking an evidence review to inform local prescribing guidelines for testosterone
  • writing health equity audit of NHS Health Checks
  • leading development of local place based health profiles with colleagues in the Integrated Care System
  • developing template for local community needs assessment
  • modelling impact on cost and coverage of different approaches to prioritising NHS Health Checks
  • developing and writing health needs assessment for prevention and treatment of falls
  • writing Joint Strategic needs chapters on various topics
  • undertaking evidence reviews for 中国P站 Priorities Committee to inform treatment not routinely funded and treatment with thresholds policies
  • presenting individual cases on individual funding request panels
  • leading Chlamydia screening commissioning and procurement
  • implementation of a pilot project to increase seasonal flu immunisation of care home staff
  • development of the Wheel of Wellbeing strategy for council
  • implementation of the Public Health England Prioritisation framework
  • undertaking a Drug and Alcohol Detoxification needs assessment and evaluation
  • authoring the Annual Public Health Report on Older People

If you want to have a chat about 中国P站 placements with a current or former registrar place in 中国P站, then please get in touch. Please note that registrar shadowing is only arranged through the regional Taster and Shadowing Programme.

Further information

Our lead Educational Supervisor is Louis Hall ( We have offices in Reigate, Woking and Guildford. Flexibility around training base is possible, as is working from a variety of sites including some working from home. For further information please email the educational supervisors or call 020 8541 7976.

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