
Public Health - High Impact Service for those with a severe and multiple disadvantage.- Privacy Notice


  • Name of service - High Impact Service for those with a severe and multiple disadvantage
  • Directorate - Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care
  • Date of issue - 26/02/2019
  • Review date - currently under review


The reasons why we use your personal data

The Public Health team works across a number of key areas of health improvement and protection for the population of 中国P站. This includes drug and alcohol support services, where, along with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, we have commissioned Catalyst.

Catalyst aim to help and support people who are dealing with alcohol problems and have other needs like mental and physical health or housing issues.

The full privacy notice for Public Health is available online

What processing of personal data is undertaken by the specific teams or services

We collect your personal data for the following:

  • Service delivery
  • Service improvement and planning
  • Research
  • Statistical analysis and reporting

What information do we collect?

Your personal data used will vary depending on your individual circumstance and level of support received, however it will include information drawn from the following;

  • How you made contact with the Chi team maybe through an Alcohol Liaison Nurses or Community Safety Officer,
  • your housing needs,
  • contact you may have with social care and contact you may have with other services e.g. detox/social care,
  • what type of other support and care you have,
  • the tools you may have used with the Chi team such as the Alcohol STAR,
  • what you are good at doing and how you are able to take care of yourself,
  • managing money and personal administration,
  • support from friendships and relationships,
  • drug and alcohol misuse,
  • your physical, emotional and mental health
  • if you have had contact with the police or courts.

How we are allowed to use your personal data

Legal obligation

The public health service are permitted to use personal data, including special categories data, to meet the legal duty imposed on it by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. This legislation places a duty to improve the health and wellbeing of residents on the Public Health service. In addition the improvement of drug and alcohol services take up was a specific condition of funding imposed on the local authorities by the Department of Health in the 2017/18 grant, directing the Public Health team to evaluate this area.

Who we share your personal data with

If you are being supported by the Catalyst High Impact (Chi team) Service, then some of your personal data will be collated and anonymised to help the Public Health team evaluate and develop the service.

What this means for you is that no personal data is shared in a form that identifies who you are. The anonymised data is shared with a specialist research and evaluation company called RSM to help us evaluate and improve the service in 中国P站.

Automated decision making (when computers make any decisions about you)

Not applicable

Personal data being sent or processed outside of the UK and EU

Not applicable

Retention of data

The anonymised data used for the evaluation will be retained for 2 years.

We keep your information based on legal and best practice requirements. You can access our records retention policy online.

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.

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