- Name of service – Planning and Development Management
- Directorate - Community Protection, Transport and Environment
- Date of issue - 6 August 2020
- Review date - 6 August 2021
The reasons why we use your personal data
This privacy notice applies to the functions of the Planning and Development Management service that incorporates/carries out statutory consultation functions within ÖйúPÕ¾.
What processing of personal data is undertaken by the specific teams or services?
Your personal data is collated for the purposes of the new ÖйúPÕ¾ Waste Local Plan in order to carry out our statutory responsibilities to consult the public, in line with the Town and Country Planning Act. In addition, we collect your personal data for the following:
- Service delivery
- Service improvement and planning
- Prevention and detection of crime/fraud
- Research
- Statistical analysis and reporting
- Safeguarding
- Vital Interests
What information do we collect?
Name, Contact Details, Organisation and your views/comments.
How we are allowed to use your personal data
Legal obligation or public task under the Town and Country Planning Act and various UK legislation including but not limited to:
- Town and County Planning Act 1990
- Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015
- Local Government Act
- The Localism Act 2011
- National Planning Policy Framework
- National Planning Policy Guidelines
When we have asked for your consent to process your personal data, we will explain to you what we are asking you to agree to and why. If we have consent to use your personal data, you have the right to remove it at any time. If you want to remove your consent, please contact us at the following email address: and we will deal with your request.
Who we share your personal data with
In order to submit comments individuals will be required to give their name and organisation (if applicable). Stakeholders receive a summary of the consultation responses in the publication of the related Cabinet paper / annexes but individuals cannot be identified from these summaries. A summary of the responses may be published on our website as part of a committee report, but individuals cannot be identified from this.
By submitting a representation on any associated documents under consultation you confirm that you agree to this and accept responsibility for your comments. Please note that we are unable to accept anonymous representations.
Retention of data
Data will be retained for 5 years in accordance with our countywide data retention schedule.
Other information
For further information on our privacy notices please see information and privacy.