- Name of service - Democratic Services
- Directorate - Resources
- Date of issue - 25 May 2018
- Date of current version - 3 June 2021
- Review date - 3 June 2024
The reasons why we use your personal data
Purpose / function of the service
This privacy notice applies to the functions of Democratic Services. We collect data in order to provide a public service to residents, practitioners, elected Members, civic dignitaries and appellants.
What processing of personal data is undertaken by the specific teams or services
We invite interested residents and service users to subscribe to committees via our website. Our Mod Gov system allows residents to receive automatic notifications when meeting papers are published. Residents can unsubscribe or change their preferences at any time by logging onto our webpages.
Our online Petitions scheme invites signatories to input their email addresses to denote their signature.
School Appeals:
We collate personal data in order to process school appeal applications.
Civic team:
We retain personal data as contact details for external organisations and invitees for civic events.
We retain personal data of residents corresponding with our Members or senior officers.
Your personal data is collated for the purposes of carrying out our statutory responsibilities under different legislative frameworks/ provide services/establish good business practices etc. In addition, we collect your personal data for the following:
- Service delivery
- Service improvement and planning
What information do we collect?
- Name
- Address
- Contact details
- health details
- Email address
- access requirements
How we are allowed to use your personal data
The provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 and Local Government Access to Information Act 1985 require us to make our meetings and papers open to the public, and our commitment to transparency and partnership working across the 3 tiers of government mean we proactively provide meeting reports to elected officials.
When residents contact us to find out about, or engage with our committees, we will invite them to subscribe to receive updates through our web pages. This allows the resident to unsubscribe, or change their preferences, at any time.
As part of our commitment to continuously improving our customer service, we may contact residents who have previously asked questions or brought a petition to the committee for their feedback on their experience. This information is kept anonymous and solely used by the team to identify service improvements.
Who we share your personal data with
Data shared internally
We may share your data with other departments within the county council in order to respond to an issue you have raised with us or take forward an area of work.
Data shared externally
We do not share your data with external organisations unless this is required to provide a response from a partner organisation to an issue raised, and we may share relevant information with you on behalf of a partner organisation.
Residents who are in direct contact with Democratic Services in relation to asking a question, or bringing a petition to the committee, may have the contact details they provide kept by the team in order to contact them on their local issue.
Names and contact details for residents who subscribe to receive committee papers are held by the Mod Gov system. Names and contact details for residents who raise a petition online are held by My Society.
Personal data being sent or processed outside of the UK and EU
We do not send or process data outside of the UK and EU.
Retention of data
Financial data is kept for a period of 6 years, plus the current financial year.
Archiving – the council has a legal requirement to retain meeting papers for 6 years after the meeting so they can be inspected. Published meeting papers from committees, which may include the name and question put forward by a resident, are currently archived at the 中国P站 History Centre. The minimum standards for data retention is detailed in the retention schedule published online.
Other information
For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.