
Adult Social Care in house residential care homes for older people and people with learning disabilities - Privacy Notice


  • Name of service - Service Delivery Residential Care Homes for older people and people with Learning Disabilities
  • Directorate - Adult Social Care
  • Date of issue – 1 April 2019
  • Date of current version - 3 February 2023
  • Review date – 3 February 2025

The reasons why we use your personal data

This privacy notice is one of a collection that apply to the processing of personal data for the purpose of meeting our statutory responsibilities in our Adult Social Care services.

This notice focuses on the information used for the delivery of care in our in-house care homes. Our statutory obligations to deliver and run care services are set out within the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated. We also work within the frameworks of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Care Act 2014 in delivering our services.

How we use your data

  • To decide who we admit to the homes based on our admission criteria
  • To assess levels of care required
  • To monitor care delivery and report on it
  • To monitor health and wellbeing
  • To evaluate and review plans of care
  • To communicate health and well-being to staff and other members of the multi-disciplinary team and relatives, next of kin, commissioners
  • For the welfare and protection of the resident and others in the homes
  • To assess the quality of our service
  • To notify the regulator of certain events

What information do we collect

The amount of information we collect will vary depending on your situation and the way we are supporting you. We collect most of this information from you but may also get information from other health and social care providers where we are working collectively on your behalf. It is also possible for the Police or friends, carers and family to provide us with some more information from time to time. The information we hold may include:

  • Personal information such as your name, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, employment status, address, NHS number, contact telephone numbers and details of your family, next of kin and any carers including details of other people supporting you, such as a power of attorney, deputy, advocate.
  • Details of any professionals involved in your care including for example your GP, CPN, or other professionals.
  • Characteristics (such as ethnicity, language, medical conditions, nationality, country of birth and funding source);
  • Care Plans and Assessment information in all activities of daily living, includes physical and mental abilities, health and hygiene, dietary, religious, cultural, social and occupational
  • Life Histories, which would include personal relationships, family history, interests and hobbies, religious preferences, strengths and abilities
  • Medical History and medication history including your physical and mental health and mental capacity, hospital admissions and discharge information
  • Risk assessments including areas such as nutrition, pain, falls, pressure area care, behaviours
  • Consent forms for daily care
  • Advanced decisions and end of life care

How we are allowed to use your personal data

We collect and use your personal data to meet our legal obligations under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 supported by legislation and statutory guidance.

Who we share your personal data with

Whilst we always prioritise and respect the privacy of everyone involved with our services there may be times under the law, when we must share information. This will include:

  • If there is a concern you are putting yourself, or another person (or child) at risk of serious harm or undertaking an illegal act on our premises
  • Where we have been instructed to do so by the Court or as part of the investigation of a serious crime

Additionally, we may share information with the following:

  • Other providers if you are transferring to a different service
  • Other professionals working in partnership with us to provide care
  • The Care Quality Commission
  • Other members of the local authority (such as those responsible for commissioning and reviewing the care)
  • Your GP and Pharmacy services that supply your medication
  • Emergency services


We will not share your information with your friends and family unless you give us permission to do so or if they have a specific legal authority such as Lasting Power of Attorney or Deputyship

Retention of data

We keep your information based on legal and best practice requirements. We will only retain information for as long as it is required.

A copy of our Adult Social Care retention schedule is available online.

Other information

For further information on our privacy notices, please see information and privacy.

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