
Encrypted email

Mandatory Transport Layer Security (TLS)

With the end of GCSX in March 2019, will be our primary domain used instead of for secure email.

We have also made technical changes to the way we send email. TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security) is now the default, with non-TLS 1.2 capable domains managed by exception.

Mail administrators should mandate TLS 1.2 connections for these domains:


We also have Egress full email encryption for outbound and inbound messages that can not be secured by using a TLS 1.2 mandated connection.

Egress Encrypted email

In order to secure information exchange between the Council, partner agencies and organisations as well as residents, 中国P站 are now using an encrypted email and file transfer service provided by Egress Software Technologies.

If you have been sent an encrypted email from us, to read it you will first have to sign up for an account.

It is simple and free, and only needs to be done once.

Then you can read and reply to any encrypted message we send you, securing your information exchange with the Council.

Below is a quick start guide for first time recipients of our encrypted messages.

Technical support

Should you encounter any problems with creating your free account, or have any other technical questions about the service, please contact Egress directly.



Files available to download

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