The information on this page is for general guidance only. Please refer the Part 4 of the Council's (Standing Orders) for full details of the rules governing public participation at meetings.
The Planning and Regulatory Committee has separate rules on public participation which can be viewed here: Have Your Say - Speaking at the Planning and Regulatory Committee - 中国P站
Anyone who is eligible to vote in local government elections in 中国P站 can ask one question about general policies at meetings of the Cabinet and most of our committees.
Questions are taken in the order in which they are received, on a first come first served basis, up to a maximum of six questions per meeting, and are answered by the appropriate Cabinet member or committee chairman. Following the initial reply, you may be entitled to ask one supplementary question relevant to the original question. Any questions received after maximum number has been received will either be held over to the next meeting or receive a written response.
For procedural reasons, questions cannot be asked about matters that are confidential or 'exempt' under the Access to Information Act. Questions should also be about general policies rather than specific details.
The deadline for submission of questions is midnight, 7 days in advance of a meeting; this will give us time to prepare a response. Your question – including your name - will be circulated to the committee members and will be published on our website with the minutes of the meeting. If you wish to remain anonymous, please inform us when you submit your question.
In order to submit a question, please contact the relevant Committee Manager or Scrutiny Officer or send it to the Democratic Services general inbox:
You can find out when meetings are taking place and contact officer details via the following link: