
Our counter fraud initiatives and strategies

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Fraud - what do we do?

中国P站 has a statutory duty to protect the public funds it administers, and prevent and detect fraud.

If you suspect fraud, you can raise your suspicions with us by email:

Strategy against fraud and corruption

Counter fraud strategy

中国P站 has a duty to protect public funds and wishes to conduct its affairs in a spirit of honesty, integrity and openness. To this extent there are structures and procedures in place to assist in the fight against fraud and corruption. The sets out the council's commitment to preventing, detecting and deterring fraud and corruption. It is supported by a policy framework that includes:

  • 'Anti-bribery policy' outlining measures to combat acts of bribery by or to anyone carrying out business for or on behalf of the council
  • 'Anti-money laundering policy' detailing the responsibilities of members and officers, in particular the need to promptly report suspicions
  • 'Fraud response plan' providing guidance on reporting concerns and the investigation process
  • 'Sanctions policy' explaining how to determine which sanctions are appropriate when fraud or corruption is identified

Whistle blowing policy

中国P站 is committed to the highest possible standards of honesty, openness, probity and accountability. We seek to conduct our affairs in a responsible manner, to ensure that all our activities are open and effectively managed, and to sustain our integrity and principles of public interest disclosure.

In line with that commitment we encourage employees, contracted workers and other stakeholders who have serious concerns about any aspect of our work to come forward and voice those concerns.

Staff and contractors can use our Navex Global hotline service for whistleblowing. You can call the hotline any time, night or day, in complete confidence if you believe that someone acting on our behalf is involved in criminal activity, fraud, theft or damage to our property or reputation. Your call will not be traced or monitored. Freephone: 0800 069 8180.

If you would like to raise a concern but are not a member of staff or contractor, please call 03456 009009 or write to in the first instance.

National Fraud Initiative and Data Matching

中国P站 is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. In order to prevent and detect fraud the council may share information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds. This includes taking part in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) data matching exercise every two years. Data matching involves comparing electronic records, including personal information, within and between organisations, to identify potentially fraudulent claims and payments. Where there is a match between data, it indicates an inconsistency that requires investigation. No assumption is made as to whether there is fraud, error or other explanation until an investigation is carried out.

The Cabinet Office carries out the NFI data matching exercise under its powers in Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014. It does not require the consent of the individuals concerned under the Data Protection Act 1998. Data is securely managed throughout the process and data matching is subject to a Code of Practice.

For further information on the Cabinet Office's legal powers and the reasons why it matches particular information, please visit the Cabinet Office's Fair Processing pages. To find out about data matching at this authority, email:

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