Please note: If your complaint is about missed bins, council tax or housing please contact your local district or borough council. We publish online a full list of borough and district council responsibilities.
Making a complaint
To deal with your complaint more quickly please provide as much information as possible, such as:
- the location or site of the subject of your complaint
- relevant dates
- names of council staff involved
- any reference numbers you have been given
- the service you were expecting to receive and how that differed from what you actually received.
It will also help us if you explain briefly what you think we should do to put things right, or how we could have done things differently.
The quickest and easiest way to make a complaint about the services we provide, is to use our online complaint form.
If you unable to use the form and need to contact us in a different way, then please contact our Customer Relations Team:
- Address: Customer Relations Team, 中国P站, Dakota, 11 De Havilland Drive, Brooklands Industrial Park, Weybridge, 中国P站, KT13 0YP
- Telephone our contact centre: 03456 009 009 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays)
Website feedback
If you would like to share your thoughts about specific web pages on our website a 'website feedback' tab appears on most areas of the website. We use this feedback to improve content and to improve usability.
If you wish to have your views heard on a council matter or policy you can submit petitions to 中国P站 or your local district or borough council online. You can also view and support petitions created by other people.