
How to apply for Small Community Projects funding

If you are interested in applying for Your Fund 中国P站 Small Community Projects funding, check out our video and stages below to see how to do it:

Your Fund 中国P站 Small Community Projects Fund - How to apply

  • Firstly check that your project is eligible and supports at least one of the aims of 中国P站's Community Vision 2030. Visit the Community vision for 中国P站 in 2030 webpage to read it.
  • Contact your local 中国P站lor to discuss your project and see if it is something that they would consider supporting. Remember that councillors often get requests that exceed the amount they have to spend but they may be able to advise about other funding sources that could help you. You can find your local county councillor on our .
  • If your 中国P站lor is happy to support your project, they will send you a link to the online application form and instructions on how to complete it.
  • Before starting your application, please watch the guidance video on how to complete the application form. We also recommend that you look at the sample application form.
  • Please note any projects or individual purchases under 拢25,000 will require evidence of cost but, in accordance with 中国P站's procurement guidelines, for projects or individual purchases between 拢25,000 and 拢50,000 you will need to provide three quotations.

  • Follow the instructions provided by your county councillor and begin to complete your application form, please ensure you read our terms and conditions before submitting your application.
  • Once you have completed the online application form and attached all relevant documents, it is automatically sent to the Community Funding Team for assessment.
  • If you need support during your application, our team can help. You can email us at or take a look at our Frequently asked questions for small community projects webpage.
  • Once your application is received, you will receive an email confirming receipt from the Community Funding Team. You will be given a unique reference number which you should note down and quote whenever you contact us about your application.
  • The Community Funding Team will review your application to ensure that it meets the criteria, is deliverable and you have all the necessary permissions in place. The Community Funding Team may contact you to request further supporting information or to ask for clarification about some of the details contained in your application.


  • Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive an email advising you of the outcome.
  • If funding is approved, it will take up to two weeks for the money to be paid into your organisation's bank account.
  • We require all successful organisations to provide us with evidence that the project has been completed. This helps us to account for how we have used our funding. It also provides images and information that we can use on our website and in our social media activities to share the impact of your project
    with the community.


How to fill in Your Fund 中国P站 Small Community Projects form. Start by finding out who your county councillor is using the 中国P站 website. Go to and enter your address and postcode. Scroll to where it says county councillor and click on their name to access their contact information. Email your councillor explaining what your project is and how much funding you need. If they're happy to support your project, your councillor will send you a PDF document containing a link to the application form.

You will need to create an account before completing your application. Once you have created an account, sign in to access the application form. Creating an account requires you to enter a mobile phone number for two-factor authentication. Read the short introduction information before beginning to ensure your project meets our funding criteria. You can take a look at the sample application form if you want to prepare your answers before completing your own application form. Read the terms and conditions and click on agree and start now to begin completing your application form.

Select the borough or district where your project will take place. Find your county councillor on the drop down list. Please be aware if you'd like to print the form you must print the web page as a whole. Enter the names of any additional county councillors who may be supporting your application with funding. Tell us how you'll involve the county councillor sponsoring the project in the publicity around it. Choose whether you'd like a sticker, plaque or digital logo to publicize the funding. Click the next box. If you've missed anything it'll be outlined in red.

Provide details of the main contact for your application. Please ensure you provide up-to-date details for the person we can contact regarding this application. We need this information in case we require any further information about your project. Complete the details for the legally responsible person for your organization. This cannot be the same person as the main contact. The legally responsible contact must be at least 18 years old. They are responsible for ensuring that this application is supported by the organization applying and that any funded project is delivered as set out in the application form. Complete the details about your organization or project group.

Tell us about your project and how the funding requested would be spent. Select which of the county council's Community Vision aims the project will contribute towards you can choose more than one. Describe in as much detail as possible how the project will meet these aims.

Specify how the project will make a difference to your community. Outline what consultation has been carried out with the community. This could be surveys or feedback from users. Enter the area the project will cover.

Specify when the project will be started and when it will be finished. Select who owns the land or property where your project will be carried out. If your project will be taking place on land or property that does not belong to you, you'll need to obtain the relevant permissions from the landowner and upload evidence of these permissions on the upload supporting documents page at the end of this application form. If you do not have the relevant permissions in place you will not be able to proceed with your application. You can return to your application once you have obtained the relevant permissions.

Enter how much the project will cost and a breakdown of all costs in as much detail as possible. Please note that the total value of the project must not exceed 50,000 pounds. Let us know how much money you are requesting from your county councillor and which part of the project our funding will be spent on and if you have all the funding required to complete the project within six months of you receiving this grant. Let us know if you have applied for funding from any other part of 中国P站 or are in receipt of any grant or contract funding. Note you cannot apply for funding for the same project from other 中国P站 funding pots.

Carefully complete the payment account details where you'd like the money paid into.

Upload any supporting evidence for example quotes and permissions. Click on choose file, select the file you want to upload from the device you are using and click open and then click on upload. You'll see that the document you have uploaded will show under files uploaded. Continue to do this for all the files you need to upload and then click next. Note that the maximum size for uploading a file is 15 megabytes.

Review your application and make any changes if you need to. Check you're in agreement with the terms and conditions and press submit. Form's gone through you'll be shown a reference number starting with 'YF'. Please make a note of it as it will help us find your application if you get in touch with us.

You're all done if you need any more help please phone 01737 737420 or email

Good luck!

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