
Homes for Ukraine temporary bus pass application

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A separate application form will need to be completed for every individual aged 5 years and over applying for a Homes for Ukraine temporary bus pass.

If you are a host/sponsor applying on behalf of your guest(s), the details on the form should be those of the guest applicant. Please note that the email given on the application will be used to send confirmation of application, further information on how to apply for some bus operators and may be used to contact the guest if we are unable to verify their details.

You can expect your Homes for Ukraine temporary bus pass application outcome within 10 working days. If you have not heard from us after 10 working days, please contact the community helpline.

Have you had a 'Homes for Ukraine' temporary bus pass previously?
Has your 'Homes for Ukraine' temporary bus pass expired?
When does your 'Homes for Ukraine' temporary pass expire?

Your pass can not be renewed

Your pass can only be renewed if it has expired, or is due to expire in the next 5 working days.

Declaration By completing this application form you are confirming that you understand that any bus pass issued under the Homes for Ukraine temporary bus pass scheme is for the sole use of the named applicant and cannot be transferred to any other individual.
Are you the guest or the host/sponsor?
Information sharing with bus operators
I give my consent for 中国P站 to share my details with participating bus operators in the Homes for Ukraine temporary bus pass scheme for the purposes of issuing a bus pass.

Further details on how we process and store your data and your data rights are detailed in our privacy notice.
I confirm that I am completing the application on behalf of my guest and they have given their consent for 中国P站 to share their details with participating bus operators in the Homes for Ukraine temporary bus pass scheme for the purposes of issuing a bus pass.

My guest has been made aware of how 中国P站 process and store their data and their data rights as detailed in our privacy notice.

Please re-enter your email address.
Date of birth
Are you a new or existing Metrobus applicant?

Please press submit to complete your application.

This is the long number on your card.

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