
Support and guidance for Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) in 中国P站

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Page contents

Welcome to 中国P站

This guide is for Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) (HK BN (O)) living in 中国P站 and it includes how to access essential public services and healthcare, plus how to find work, get access to childcare and education services.

中国P站 is made up of 11 districts and boroughs, some services that you will need can be provided by these district and borough councils, others are provided by us, 中国P站.

Use our interactive map to find out which district or borough you are in.

You can also use the interactive map to find out more about council and health services in the area where you are living, and a wider range of services on .

Help and advice

If you are a British National in Hong Kong, or are the family member of a British National in Hong Kong, and you are in need of assistance, please contact either:

  • South East Strategic Partnership for Migration - please see their contact details on their website: , or
  • Hongkongers in Britain - please see their contact details on their website:

For legal advice, please contact .

Who to call in an emergency

In an emergency, call 999 and ask for one of these four services:

  • – if a life is at risk or in serious danger, or to report serious offences
  • ambulance - for or visit your local hospital's Accident and Emergency department:
  • fire – for fire, flooding emergency or serious road accident

Reporting hate crimes or politically motivated crimes

If you have been the victim of a hate crime or a politically motivated crime you can receive free, confidential advice and support from and in Traditional Chinese:

Reporting non-urgent crimes

To contact the police in a situation that isn't an emergency, you can , or you can select the live chat button in the bottom right of the . You can also call on 101.

Emergency food

Go to food banks for - see more about food banks.

Health and welfare support

Registering with a doctor (GP) to get healthcare

Everyone in the UK is entitled to register with a doctor, known as a General Practitioner (家庭醫生), and commonly known as a GP. If you have routine health problems in the UK, you would usually first visit a GP as they can offer medical advice, provide a diagnosis, and prescribe medicines. They might be your first point of contact for many physical and mental health concerns. The GP practice, or doctors' surgery, is also responsible for coordinating and managing your long-term healthcare and they can refer you if you need more specialised hospital services. You are entitled to a translator, see for more information.

To register with a GP, you do not need proof of address, immigration status, ID or an NHS number (however, you may be asked to provide ID but it is not a requirement). We strongly recommend that you register with a GP as soon as possible after you arrive. You can also register temporarily if you expect to be in an area for more than 24 hours but less than 3 months. If you have ID, this can help make sure your name is spelled correctly in your NHS records.

has an infographic that helps guide you through NHS Services, and also has helpful information.


You can and it is the responsibility of the the health care provider you are seeing to arrange an interpreter on your behalf. When calling for health advice, you will be given the option to request an interpreter to help with your call.

of health documents and leaflets can be requested from your primary health provider.

Adult social care - getting support for a vulnerable adult

Adult social care helps people who are frail, have disabilities or mental health issues and the people who care for them.

Find out about our adult social care services in 中国P站 and who can access them via our adult social care and support web pages.
If you need further information or advice, you can call 0300 200 1005, email or use SMS (for the deaf or hard of hearing) on 07527 182 861.

Reporting concerns for an adult

If you are concerned that an adult may be at risk of harm, abuse or neglect, please report it.

  • Call 0300 470 9100 (available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
  • During evenings, weekends and bank holidays, the Emergency Duty Team is available.
  • Call 01483 517898 or email:

More information about health and welfare in 中国P站.

Mental health

Mental health problems range from the worries we all experience as part of everyday life to serious long-term conditions.
If you, or someone you love, need help this is best arranged through making an appointment with your GP. If you are struggling but do not want to talk to a GP, there are a wide-range of support organisations that offer helplines where you can talk in confidence to a trained advisor.

These include:

  • 0808 808 8000 - (Textphone: 18001 0808 808 8000)
  • : Use the Helpline 0800 915 4644, if you are in crisis or worried about yourself or a young person.
  • on 08457 90 90 90 to talk to a trained volunteer

See for information about local services and also Adult Social Care's pages on mental health.

Other mental health support services, helplines and courses

  • For a catalogue of support mental health Support, visit the .
  • Recovery College offers mental health courses, visit the .


HK BN(O) visa holders are usually not eligible for social housing due to their status. If you encounter a landlord or a letting agency who is unsure about the HK BN(O) scheme, it can be helpful to show the landlord or the agency the following letter on the GOV.UK website by Lord Greenhalgh explaining: .

If you encounter serious financial difficulties and become destitute, you can apply to have your NRPF condition lifted, please see Financial support for Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) (PDF) for advice on how to do this. This document was produced by and has been published with their permission.

We strongly advise any HK BN(O) in the South East of England applying to lift their NRPF status to contact for free immigration advice, as this can greatly improve your chances of getting the condition lifted. Their email address is:

The UK government will also reimburse the council up to ?2,720 per household for housing costs they have incurred whilst you are waiting to have your NRPF condition lifted. For more information, contact your borough and district council's housing team. Please see their webpages about housing and homelessness in the list below:

  • Epsom and Ewell (愛心與河源) Borough Council – and

Getting children into a school for education

If you are a parent or carer who would like to apply for a school place for your child, you can do this by visiting Apply for an in-year school place.

Free home to school travel

Some children are eligible for home to school travel assistance. For criteria and how to apply please see apply for under-16 travel assistance to school.

Free school meals

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 automatically get free school meals. Children in Year 3 or above may be eligible for free school meals. This includes if their parent is receiving Universal Credit (which a HK BN(O) can only access after they have successfully had their NRPF condition lifted). For more information and to apply for free school meals, you should contact your child's school.

Family support and childcare

Our Family Information Service website includes the following information to support families and much more:

  • Childcare and early education
    • Information and eligibility criteria for funded early education and childcare for children aged 2 to 4 years.
    • Information on Tax Free Childcare for working parents of children aged up to 12 years.
    • A where families can enter their post code to search for local childcare provision.
    • Information about Family Centres who may be able to signpost families to local childcare provision and advise on how to make an application for funded early education.
  • Family finance
  • Support and advice for families

Learning to speak English

Our 中国P站 Adult Learning courses

These courses are free. If your English language speaking level is intermediate to advanced, you can attend our Courses for Hongkongers that are taught in English. However, if you would like to learn English, then our Adult Learning service run English courses for speakers of other languages at our learning centres in 中国P站.

How to get work

For useful information about gaining employment in the UK please see: which contains resources such as an in depth guide on your employment rights in the UK available in Traditional Chinese.

Another useful information site is which provides in depth information on different employment sectors in the UK including entry requirements and salary expectations. The site is designed for university students but has useful information for all.

also has useful information on different sectors of employment in the UK on their .

The has pages on how to convert your professional qualifications from those in HK to the UK.

Financial and cost of living support

Visit our Financial support pages to find out if you are eligible for any of the different types of financial support available and to also find advice on coping with the cost of living challenges. To find out how to apply to have your NRPF condition lifted, please see Financial support for Hong Kong British Nationals (Overseas) (PDF). This document was produced by and has been published with their permission.

For energy saving advice, including support with energy debt and energy saving home improvements, register your interest on the Home Energy Advice Team page.

Food Banks

Food Banks offer emergency food supplies to people in crisis. To find out how to get help from a Food Bank and to find your nearest Food Bank, please see

Charities offering support to Hongkongers

A list of current Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations funded by the UK government to support HK BN(O)s can be found on the page.

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