
Getting the right highways help


Want to report a problem on the highways?

If you notice a problem on 中国P站's roads or pavements such as a pothole, blocked drain or an obstruction, you can for us to investigate further.

Reporting left behind signs

Unfortunately some highways signs such as Yellow Advanced Warning, Road Closure used in preparation for and during our works, can sometimes be left behind. If you see a sign you think may have been accidentally left, please make us aware via our . You can also use this form to report damaged, missing, or vandalised signs.

Want to know when your local highways verge will be cut?

Our grass cutting programme is updated every two weeks. Find out when verges will be cut in your area on our grass cutting webpage.

Find out when roadworks are planned for your area

Sign up to our new highways updates - bespoke information about roadworks in your local area which will launch in the new year. You can sign up via .

Need to report flooding?

Information about different types of flooding and who to report it to can be found on our flooding webpage.

Follow us on social media

For regular and local updates, you can follow our Highways accounts on social media:

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