Your Fund 中国P站 Large Community Projects is for larger capital projects in excess of 拢10k that will provide wide community benefit. Due to the size of the funding awarded, Large Community Projects are subject to a staged application process. For more information and how to apply visit Your Fund 中国P站 Large Community Projects fund.
Examples of the types of projects it can be used for include:
- New community centres
- Local swimming pools
- Sports pavilions or clubhouses
- Collaborative workspaces
- New football pitches
- Community food growing space
To view the projects that have been funded or live projects open for comment, visit .
Projects that have been funded in your area
Weybridge Men's Shed
Your Fund 中国P站 has granted 拢30,000 towards utilities connections and shed fit-out. The Weybridge Men's Shed Project is following a proven worldwide model and is one of almost 600 such initiatives throughout the UK. The broad objective of any shed is to relieve isolation and feelings of low self-esteem, predominantly, but not exclusively, in men, by providing a common sense of purpose, companionship, and a learning experience, whilst simultaneously using its facilities, skills and human resource for the benefit of other community groups. For more information, visit
Claygate Recreation Ground Family Garden
Your Fund 中国P站 granted 拢35,000 to the Family Garden project. Claygate Recreation Ground (the Rec) is at the heart of the community, covering seven acres of land, and is used by over 10,000 people each year for sport and recreation. The Rec is the only large green space in the village accessible to all. It also has the only outdoor play area for children in the village. This project is now enabling all individuals, families, sporting and community groups, regardless of ability, to enjoy spending time outdoors, socialise with friends, family and the wider community promoting their health and wellbeing. For more information, visit .
Claygate Community Pool
Your Fund 中国P站 granted 拢363,500 to the Claygate Community Pool project. This comprises of the redevelopment of the existing 20 x 7.5 metres outdoor swimming pool at Claygate Primary School. The development will convert the existing pool into a new indoor facility that will enable the whole community to use the pool all year round. A high-quality, long-life building is proposed to enclose the pool and provide necessary facilities including showers and changing rooms. The building will also incorporate a community room for use alongside the swimming pool. Relining of the existing pool and upgrading of some of the plant equipment will also be necessary to incorporate a ground source heat pump and solar panels. For more information, visit .
The Tree Canopy Project
Your Fund 中国P站 granted 拢59,675 to the Tree Canopy Project. Following the success of our Community Allotment project, where members of the community enjoy the health and physical benefits of participating in a social therapy project, we'd like the local community to utilise woodland owned by Walton Charity to launch a Tree Canopy project. This community woodland will give residents the opportunity to get involved in the appreciation of the woodland through volunteering and educational opportunities. There are three elements: Adult and Children's Forest Schools The Children's Forest School has started, delivered by Rewilding Forest School. Sessions for children will run throughout the year.
The Adult Forest school will be delivered by a Social Prescribing Practitioners and offer sessions covering a range of practical and creative woodland activities. Local groups will also be able to use the space for therapeutic activities. A base for a Tree Warden Volunteer scheme to have a tree nursery, arrange tree planting days and a programme of aftercare for the newly planted trees. An area for a community allotment that will be used on a rota basis by four different charities to specifically run therapeutic gardening schemes for their beneficiaries.
Oxshott Community Hub
Your Fund 中国P站 granted 拢1,187,817 to the Oxshott Community Hub. The current building was second-hand when erected in 1968 and has now reached the end of its life. It is no longer watertight, is subsiding at one end, has no insulation and an ineffective heating system. The new building will have as low an impact on the environment as possible with low energy lighting, proper insulation, and double glazing. It will offer disabled access and toilet facilities which are currently lacking. It will have a properly fitted-out kitchen with storage and meeting rooms which are fit for purpose. The building will be large enough to store outdoor camping equipment, which is currently housed in two damp shipping containers, and allow space to undertake many indoor physical activities. The Oxshott Community Hub will be a great addition to the wider community and Oxshott Scouts and Guides.