
Work experience in 中国P站 Fire and Rescue Service

Career insights in 中国P站 Fire and Rescue Service

中国P站 Fire and Rescue Service are currently unable to offer work experience placements.

Please read 'What it takes to be a firefighter' to learn more about the role.

We are not accepting applications for career insights day or work experience with 中国P站 Fire and Rescue Service.

How else can you prepare to learn more about the role?

Why not visit a local 中国P站 fire station or attend an open day? Meet the crews and learn from them about life at 中国P站.

Ahead of attending your local fire station, and speak to the crew about what the life of a Firefighter is like. We also strongly encourage you to read our frequently asked questions, so that you can be well prepared and understand our expectations in the role of a firefighter.

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