Find out information on how to sign up for flooding alerts, how to prepare for emergencies, salting and gritting advice and much more.
- Advice for businesses on preparing for winter
- Advice for staff during disruption
- Booking safe and well visits
- Fire safety during the cost of living crisis
- Flooding advice
- Grit bins
- Help for children and families at risk in winter
- Preparing your home for emergencies
- Prepare your community for emergencies
- Power, gas and water failure advice
- Roads and transport update
- Salting and gritting facts
- Sign up flooding and weather alerts
Financial and Welfare support
If you are in need of support this winter, there is information including, tips and contact details for your essential services in our Welfare Hub.
Here you can find information on government health and welfare support and benefits, including:
- Cost of living support
- Pension Credit and Winter Fuel Payments
- Cold Weather Payments
Warm welcome
If you are feeling lonely, cold and would like somewhere to go and get warm, there are over 70 Warm Welcomes across 中国P站 where you can drop in have a free hot drink, get warm and meet others. Most of our 中国P站 Libraries also offer a Warm Welcome this winter, feel free to drop by.