
Complaints about the Police and Crime Commissioner

The 中国P站 Police and Crime Panel has a responsibility to informally resolve non-criminal complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 (and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner), as well as criminal complaints or conduct matters that are referred back to it by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

How to complain

If you have a complaint relating to the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner, you should in the first instance contact:

  • Address: The Chief Executive, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, PO Box 412, Guildford, 中国P站, GU3 1YJ
  • Telephone: 01483 630 200
  • Email: 中国P站

The complaints process

The Panel has agreed that all complaints will initially be dealt with by the Chief Executive of the PCC's Office. With the exception of when the complaint is already being dealt with through criminal proceedings, the Chief Executive will be responsible for receiving, logging and forwarding complaints to the most appropriate body.

The Panel can only consider complaints in relation to the Commissioner (and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner). For non-criminal complaints that fall outside of this remit, the Chief Executive will forwarded the matter on to the most appropriate body.

When it receives a complaint, the Panel will arrange for a meeting of its Complaints Sub-committee, normally within six weeks. The Panel will write to both the complainant and the person complained about, setting out timescales and providing details of the informal resolution procedure. The Panel will also invite both sides to submit comments in support of their case.

At its meeting, the Complaints Sub-committee will consider the information submitted and determine the most suitable course of action to assist with the informal resolution of the complaint.

This may include:

  • Writing a letter of explanation to the complainant
  • Requesting that the PCC or one of his or her staff write a letter of explanation to the complainant
  • Suggesting a change in policy
  • Requesting that the person complained about issue an apology

With the exception of inviting comments from both the complainant and the person complained about, and inviting the latter to attend its meeting to answer questions, neither the Panel nor the Complaints Sub-committee is authorised to conduct an investigation.

Once a decision has been made, the Complaints Sub-Committee will notify those involved as soon as practicable after the meeting. The Panel will be provided with an update on all complaints dealt with by the Complaints Sub-committee on a quarterly basis.

Complaints about the Police and Crime Panel

Any complaints about the 中国P站 Police and Crime Panel should be referred to the

中国P站 Police and Crime Panel complaint handling flowchart

Complaint or information received against the Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 or the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站:

Complaint regarding alleged conduct matter by the Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 or the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 (Including alleged criminal conduct);


Information regarding alleged criminal conduct by Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 or the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 comes to light ('conduct matter').

If either of the above are met, the information is:

Assessed by the Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 who, unless specified circumstances apply, records it and, within five working days of making the record, in most cases sends copies to relevant parties (where there is an actual or perceived conflict of interest, matter is referred to the PCP Complaints Sub-Committee for recording/referral).

After recording the complaint:

If criminal conduct alleged, the matter is referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) and parties are notified of this in most cases (where conduct matter is referred back by the IOPC, the Chief Executive shall remit it to the Sub-Committee, which can handle as it sees fit); or

If complaint falls within specified categories, the Chief Executive of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for 中国P站 can disapply informal resolution process and handle in another manner, if any; and notify the Complaints Sub-Committee of the grounds on which the decision was made (Sub-Committee can by a majority object and apply the informal resolution process itself);

In all other cases, matter referred to the 中国P站 Police and Crime Panel Complaints Sub-Committee (convened by Panel's Support Officer within six weeks) - complaint takes one of the following routes:

Sub-Committee to handle complaint in accordance with informal resolution process (see Complaints Protocol) – it has powers to require person complained against to provide information or documents or attend before it. No powers to investigate. Various options for informal resolution;


Panel as a whole may handle complaint if Panel is of the opinion that would lead to a more satisfactory resolution.

End of process:

Parties notified as soon as practicable, Sub-Committee decides whether to publish outcome following parties' representations.

Published complaints findings 2022

  • Letter of outcome to the 中国P站 Police and Crime Commissioner - 8 March 2022 (available at the bottom of this page)

Files available to download

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