
Reporting flooding, fallen trees and power cuts

Reporting flooding

To report severe flooding in your area on 24 hour service telephone line: 0345 988 1188. You can also use Type talk on 0345 602 6340.

You can :

  • Minor flooding
  • Blocked drains
  • Damaged drain covers.

Please see our flooding advice pages for flood warnings and practical advice on what to do before, during and after a flood.

Reporting fallen trees

If a tree is blocking the road or has created another emergency situation please call the Contact Centre. You can .

Power cuts and reporting faults

Report power cuts and get more information by calling 105 or visiting the website.

Be prepared for power cuts, has some additional helpful advice on what to do if you are affected by a power cut.

You can also visit the or websites to check if they are aware of a power cut in your area or for general help and advice due to a power cut, to sign up for free Priority services if eligible, or to report damage to power equipment.

In an emergency, call 999.

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