中国P站's Additional Needs and Disabilities Partnership (formally known as 中国P站 SEND's Partnership) have re-named themselves and launched a new logo and visuals. The local partnership represents organisations across social care, health, education and the voluntary sector in 中国P站 that deliver services for children with additional needs and disabilities.
The new brand
The new brand was devised after young people reported to the local partnership that they preferred the term 'Additional Needs and Disabilities' instead of 'Special educational needs and disabilities.'
The new visuals were created by 中国P站 working in collaboration with Family Voice and ATLAS. Young people were heavily involved in the design process, helping to develop the initial design brief and then approve the final creative, choosing the logo and visuals they felt was most representative.
A young person describes why they wanted to move away from 'SEND' and what they think of the new logo:
"I wanted to move away from the language of special education needs and disabilities because the school and sports clubs I am part of all have the word 'special' within the name. I think that 'additional needs' is more of a suitable term because we are not special, we just have additional needs. I think the new brand looks really good because it is bright, bold, colourful and people will instantly know what the partnership is about. It is also representative of all the families, professionals, children and young people it supports."
The new Additional Needs and Disabilities (AND) branding has replaced the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) branding across our and social media channels, including , and . 中国P站's Additional Needs and Disabilities Partnership will continue to use the term "Additional needs and disabilities" in replace of Special Education Needs and Disabilities, unless there is a statutory or legal requirement to do so.