
Your accommodation as a care leaver

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We recognise that where you live, and feeling safe in your home is important. The Care Leavers' Service (CLS) have a duty to ensure that you live in suitable accommodation between the ages of 18 to 21 and once you become an adult we will help you to manage your accommodation. Your local district and borough hold the overall responsibility to provide housing to care leavers.

We know that leaving care and moving into independent accommodation can feel lonely and isolating. We will work together to make sure you are prepared for your move into independent living only when you are ready.

If there are times where you are moving we will help you to prepare and explain what your options are each step of the way. We will do our best to support you on your journey until you are settled in your independent life.

At the age of 16, your social worker will support you to join a housing register in 中国P站, for asylum experienced young people your eligibility will depend on your immigration status. For young people living outside of 中国P站, you are able to register on a 中国P站 housing register. If you would prefer to register with the housing department in the area you live, this will be dependant to local connection arrangements. We would really encourage all young people to join a 中国P站 housing register from the age of 16 to support your move into independence. Your social worker or personal adviser (PA) can support you with this.

When you turn 17, your social worker and PA will support you to speak to your local housing department to understand your options around living independently. We will also work with people in your network, housing department in your area, private landlords and, where necessary, our Gateway to Resources Team to find you a suitable home. We are continually reviewing how we can support care leavers with accommodation and two of the programmes we are currently running are Group Living for Care Leavers and the 中国P站 Local House Project, please speak with your PA who can explain more about what may be available.

Your PA will visit you at your accommodation to check that it is suitable and that you are doing okay. Don't forget you can contact your PA for advice or support whilst living independently.

There are different types of housing available to you. Your PA will discuss your options with you when you both agree you are ready to live independently and will help to find accommodation that is right for you.

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Here is more information about some of the options available:

Staying put

If you are living with foster carers, you may want to stay with them after you are 18. This is called 'staying put'. If you would like to stay living with your foster carer and everyone agrees to that plan, you can remain with them until you are 21. You can, of course, move out to live independently once you are ready.

In 'staying put', you will be more independent than when you were in foster care, but you will still need to keep to the house rules. Your 'staying put' carers will continue to support you and help you develop your independence skills. You will need to pay rent either from your wages if you are working, or from Universal Credit (UC). You will have a 'living together agreement' which will explain the expectations of you and your former foster carers for the duration of the staying put arrangement.

Supported accommodation

This is accommodation where you are provided with independent accommodation but can get extra help and support from staff. This is often a good way to help you prepare for living independently. Supported accommodation is usually shared with others but with your own room. Some have full time staff on site and others where keyworkers visit regularly but no staff live there. As with any adult accommodation, you will be expected to abide by the rules or risk losing the accommodation.

Semi-independent accommodation

Semi-independent is where you'll live usually in a shared house or a shared flat. Sometimes it could be on your own. You'll have a key worker who will generally support you with things such as cooking, cleaning, managing your finances.

Supported lodgings

You can choose to live in supported lodgings. This means you would have your own room in someone's house and share the kitchen, living room and bathroom. Supported lodgings may be with a family, a single person or a couple. Most supported lodgings carers work outside the home, but some are home-based. They will offer support and guidance to help you towards independence. The level of support offered depends on what you need.

You will be a lodger in the supported lodgings carer's home, but most supported lodgings carers will invite you to be part of the family if you would like that or if you don't want that, you can live more independently with the security of knowing there is someone living alongside you to support you when needed.

Private-rented accommodation

If you are 18 and have good independence skills, you may decide to rent from a private landlord. Your personal adviser can support you with this and help you check out properties and tenancy agreements. Private rented will usually be shared accommodation and can be a good option if you have a few friends you would like to live with. You would pay the rent from your wages if you are working or from Universal Credit. As a care leaver, you can claim the Local Housing Allowance Shared Accommodation Rate until your twenty-fifth birthday. The local authority will provide you with the first month's rent and deposit on your first privately rented tenancy.

Social housing

This is provided by local district and borough housing departments. You should apply directly to the district and borough where you have a local connection.

We would encourage all young people to register for social housing from the age of 16 whether you are living in 中国P站 or outside of it. Social housing is only available from age 18. We encourage you to join up to 3 housing registers in 中国P站. It may take some years to gain a property and you are not guaranteed social housing but your chance of obtaining this is better the earlier you register and the more you are able to show your independence skills.

If you are living outside of 中国P站 it's not unusual for housing departments to want you to be able to show that you have lived there for 2, 5 or even more years and so your chances of securing social housing in those areas will be much lower.

Your social worker will help you to apply when they complete the Pathway Plan with you. Social housing is usually a secure tenancy, a reasonable rent and is your own accommodation. Local district and boroughs will want to know that you are ready to live independently; and have evidence that you have previously held a tenancy and have been a reliable tenant and paid your rent.

Preventing homelessness

Under the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 we have a 'duty to refer'. This means we need to notify the Local Housing Authority Housing Teams if we have reason to believe someone may be homeless or threatened with homelessness.

In general, a referral cannot be made without consent however, this may be waived in order to safeguard young people or vulnerable adults.

We can help you to submit a homeless application. Should you wish to view more information on homelessness please refer to the .

For more information and advice on homelessness, private renting, social housing and housing benefit visit the or call 0808 800 4444.

Buying and shared ownership

Find out more about buying your own property. When you're looking to buy a property, you have a few options. Those are:

  • purchasing with a mortgage
  • buying outright,
  • opting for shared ownership

Financial support

Moving into your own home for the first time can be stressful and confusing. You might have to think about a lot of things you haven't had to before, like rent, bills and other things. Getting the stuff that you need for your first home is often expensive. Some homes may come fully furnished, and others won't; so, getting the rights things you need will be different for each person.

Your PA will be able to support you with this, and some of the things the CLS can help with are:

  • Setting Up Home Allowance (SHA): if you turned 18 on or after 1 April 2023, you will receive up to 拢3000 for your SHA. If you turned 18 before 1 April 2023, you will receive up to 拢2000 for your SHA. This is due to additional money being given to local authorities by the government.
  • 拢100 of the SHA must be used for contents insurance to protect your belongings
  • PA's will continue to work with care leavers to access any resources which would enable them to receive electrical items/furniture/flooring at discounted rates or where possible for free to enable them to get the maximum benefit from their allowance.
  • Your SHA can be used for the things you might need like a bed, TV, sofa, fridge freezer or washing machine. You can also use your SHA to get other things like decorative items.
  • For your first accommodation, your PA can support you with accessing up to 拢50 for your first set of bills when you move in, and either contributions to your first TV licence or first 6 months of your Wi-Fi costs up to 拢120

The CLS can also pay for a suitcase for you (up to 拢50) if you need one to help you move. Your PA may also be able to assist you in finding moving boxes and with moving on the day.

There are many local charities that can support with finding quality, affordable and useable furniture, white goods and household items. You can search online to find stores in 中国P站, and below are some we share with other young people who are moving into independence:

  • : covers Reigate and Banstead, Epsom and Ewell, Mole Valley, Tandridge
  • : covers Elmbridge, Epsom and Ewell, Runnymede, Spelthorne and Kingston upon Thames
  • : covers Guildford, Woking, 中国P站 Heath
  • : covers Waverley and areas in Hampshire

If you are not sure what area you live, you can find out on the website simply by .

Additional support

We can help you to access the following offers of support:

  • You can speak to your PA about support with moving in and storing your belongings if needed
  • Full council tax exemption through to 25 for those living in 中国P站, find out more about financial support.
  • 75% council tax contribution through to 25 for living outside of 中国P站
  • Access to Safe and well visits through 中国P站 Fire and Rescue Service
  • Support with your first months rent and deposit for your first private rented home
  • Your PA can discuss with you the Joint Housing Protocol and the
  • When you have moved into independence you can access your Setting Up Home Allowance, find out more about financial support.
  • Once you have moved into your new home, if you would like further support you can speak to your PA about Floating Support
  • If you are struggling and would like some housing advice, our Homeless Prevention officers can support you. Please speak to your PA.

Support with energy bills

If you are struggling with paying your energy bills for the place you are living, there is different support available to you. Please speak to your PA if you want some advice. Below is information you will be able to use to see what support you might be able to access.

Household bills support

If you're falling behind with your energy bills, and finding yourself struggling to pay, the best thing to do is contact your supplier as soon as possible. You can speak to your PA who will be able to support you if you would like.

There are a range of options suppliers could offer if you're struggling, including:

  • A full payment plan review
  • Affordable debt repayment plans
  • Payment breaks (though this won't be right for everyone)
  • Payment reductions
  • More time to pay

There is lots of information available about how you can access if you need extra support with your energy bills. The MoneySavingExpert website has a lot of you can use to help you get the best deals on your household bills.

WaterSure scheme

If you have a water meter, it may also be possible to get a reduced or capped bill through the national , available through all water companies. If you get your water from Welsh Water you're covered by , which works in a similar way to the English scheme.

To qualify, you (or someone living with you) must be receiving at least one eligible benefit and have either three or more children under the age of 19 in full-time education, or have a that means you use extra water.

The eligible benefits are:

  • Child Tax Credit (except families receiving the family element only)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Working Tax Credit

If you're accepted, your bills will be capped, so regardless of how much water you use, you won't pay more than your supplier's average household cost. To sign up, contact your supplier for an application form.


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