
Corporate Parenting Board 2023 to 2024: Strategy for young people

What is Corporate Parenting?

Looking after children is one of the most important things a council does. When a child is placed in care in 中国P站, the County Council becomes their 'Corporate Parent'. This means that everyone who works for the Council is expected to act in your best interest!

Who is 'The Council'?

Lots of the people you meet, for example social workers, personal advisors and key workers, all work for 中国P站. It is their job to make sure you get the best care and support. Local Councillors meet with people in charge of the Council every two months to make sure the Council is doing what they say they will.

Corporate Parenting Strategy

In 中国P站 the Corporate Parenting Strategy (PDF) explains what 中国P站 is going to do to support you! The plan is broken down into five key areas.

1. Keeping you safe
2. Giving you a stable home
3. Education and work
4. Staying healthy
5. Sports, skills and preparing to live independently

Key five areas explained

1. Keeping You Safe.

Making sure you feel safe is essential and we want to protect you, making sure you are safe.

You have told us?
Having basic needs met such as food, clothes, exercise and somewhere safe to live can help you feel safer.

"The unknown makes me feel unsafe, I feel safer when I know what is going on"

What 中国P站 will do:
We will do all that we can to make sure you live in a safe home. For example, we will make sure:

  • all staff and carers have high quality safeguarding training so they can support you with any worries or concerns.
  • offer specific safety support for you moving into your accommodation
  • quality checks are completed
  • you are involved in making your plans, which includes if you are worried about your safety
  • you know who to talk to if you are feeling unhappy

2. Living in a stable home

Making sure you have a good home is really important. You might have different needs, so we need to make sure there are lots of different ways to help you. You should feel safe and happy where you live. As you grow up, we also need places for you to be able to live by yourself and support you.

You have told us?
You would like people who work with care experienced children and young people to make sure young people feel able to share their views, wishes and feelings on where they live, and young people to have stable homes.

"In care a permanent placement is considered like 1 year + but for me that's still not a long time to live in one place and wish I could live somewhere for several years"

What 中国P站 will do:
We will make sure that you have a 'permanence plan' which will say how we will help you to have a stable home. A permanence plan will say all the things that the council are going to do to help you have a stable home

3. Education and work

We know school, college and work is really important, it's where you make friends and learn. It's our job to help you do well in school and work. We need to support you with you education and work.

You have told us?
You would like more guidance and planning and know more about how you can get help in your education and planning for work.

"I like going to school and seeing my friends"

What 中国P站 will do:
The 中国P站 Virtual School is a team of people who help care experienced young people and all those with a social worker to reach their full potential in their education. You can watch the 中国P站 Virtual School (SVS) Dragon Mascot answer young people's question and answers all about what the Virtual School is. You will be offered a personal education plan every term until you turn 18 so that you know what your plan is and how you will be supported.

What is a personal education plan?
A personal education plan is about how your progress is going at school and how we can best support you to do well in your education. You have told us that you prefer if we call the personal education plans:

  • (Your name) Education Plan
  • School Review
  • My Personal Education Plan

4. Staying healthy

Being a good corporate parent also involves making sure you are healthy and receive great healthcare, this includes regular check-ups and medical support.

You have told us?
You want to feel listened to in appointments and for professionals to understand what is like being in care and how it affects you.
You felt that you are supported with your physical health but would like more support with your mental health.

"I would reduce waiting lists for mental health services. Don't just see me for six weeks and then drop me when I still need support"

What 中国P站 will do:
Healthy outcomes for looked after children training will continue to be given to carers and staff. We will also continue to give carers more training and support. With the New Leaf Service, we will continue to make sure there is a service to support you with your mental health and wellbeing.

What is healthy outcomes training?
Healthy outcomes training is a training course available to people that work with care experienced young people so that they know more about your experiences and use that to work better with you.

What is New Leaf?
is 中国P站's emotional wellbeing and mental health services for care experienced children and young people.

5. Sports, skills and preparation for independence

Everyone has talents and interests that make life enjoyable, and we want you to be able to explore various activities, learn new skills, and try new things!

You have told us?
You have shared that your finances, location and mental health can be a barrier for you having fun.

"Don't have much knowledge on what's available, or if I'm wrong about that then there aren't many options."

What 中国P站 will do:

  • We have a Local Offer to support you to be happy and engaged in the community where you live. There are many ways you can access leisure opportunities and different projects in your local community no matter where you live.
  • We will continue to work with local councils and clubs to have a leisure offer that you and your carers can use.
  • The Celebration Fund scheme is funded by county councillors to recognise and reward care leavers for their achievements. Awards (of up to 拢300) may support you to take part in a hobby or activity, purchase equipment or training to help promote your independence or achieve a goal.
  • We will also continue to develop the Care Leaver Covenant offer in 中国P站 which is a national programme that supports cares leavers aged 16 to 25 to live independently!

Our pledge

A pledge is 中国P站s commitment to you. These pledges were co-designed with care experienced young people, making sure we pledge what is important to you!

  • Help you to be safe: Will do everything we can to protect you from harm, to keep you safe and help you feel happy and secure.
  • Provide good homes: We will make sure you have a good quality home and can be part of your local neighbourhood.
  • Keep in touch: We will help you stay in touch safely with people that are important to you like family.
  • Support you be healthy: We will support you to be as healthy as possible, this includes having a healthy lifestyle which helps with a healthy mind.
  • Achieve your best: We will support you with school, college, training and work so that you can achieve your best and have good opportunities when you get older.
  • Create new experiences: We will make sure you have the chance to do hobbies, follow your interests and have new memories.
  • Become an adult: We will help you to feel confident and able to deal with difficult times in your life and we will help you get ready to become an adult.
  • Listening and include you: We will listen to you and include you as much as we can when we make plans and decisions that affect your life in a positive way.
  • Help you: We will make sure our support is helpful for each young person, and easy for everyone to use. We will stand up for young people if their voices are not being heard.

Read more about our pledges.

Have your voice heard

This plan is to make sure that you are receiving the best care and that we are helping you to grow and do well at anything that you would like to. You can also read more about 中国P站's Corporate Parenting Board and Strategy. If you want to have your voice heard contact The User Voice and Participation Team at 中国P站.

Contact us

If you would like to contact us, you can:

Email us at

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Helpful links

Below are some helpful links where you can find out more information about what offers and services are available to support you:

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