Trading Standards Newsletter!
Our is updated fortnightly and aims to provide you with information about the latest scams, product recalls and alerts about rogue traders that may be in your area. You can and send the newsletter to friends.
Business Bites!
Businesses, please to Trading Standards 'Business Bites' a free digital publication that brings local businesses the latest business information and advice once a month.
Free scams awareness sessions and other webinars
We are hosting a variety of virtual awareness events. There is the Friends Against Scams session that shows you how to spot and stop a scam, and what to do to safeguard yourself and others .
The Scam Champion session is for those that want to help spread the scam awareness messages wider for example by running your own session in your community or workplace.
The Business Against Scams session includes a number of resources that companies can share with their employees which can educate them on a variety of common business related frauds.
Please see our .
Volunteer for us
Across both Buckinghamshire and 中国P站 we are searching for volunteers. The roles are varied and can range from assisting us with underage sales test purchases, being a mystery shopper by helping us gather a variety of items, including food that can then be tested, to becoming a Scam Champion and assisting us deliver the scam awareness messages far and wide!
For a current list of vacancies, please see our volunteer page.
New law on allergens
which came into effect on 1 October 2021 requires food businesses to provide full ingredient lists and allergen labelling on foods packaged for sale on the premises.
The has provided toolkits and excellent guidance on this for businesses. The also host translated (Welsh, Bengali, Cantonese, Kurdish, Mandarin, Punjabi, Turkish and Urdu) Food Allergen resources including online training. However, do please get in touch with our Business Advice Team if you have questions.
Importing toys
If you are involved in importing toys, .