
Social value: improving health and wellbeing

The NHS, ÖйúPÕ¾, district and borough councils and a range of other partners form part of ÖйúPÕ¾'s Health and Wellbeing Board. They work together to improve health and wellbeing for residents across the county, and you can access an easy-to-read summary of our .

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Why is health and wellbeing important?

Good health and wellbeing is essential to our quality of life and our life expectancy. The Health & Wellbeing Strategy focuses on three key areas: physical health, mental and emotional health and the wider factors that impact on our health.

What are we trying to achieve?

At ÖйúPÕ¾, one of our four corporate priority objectives is to tackle health inequality.

You can also find out which we want to prioritise to make sure that no one is left behind.

What practical things can you do?

  • Recovery Cafes/Networks. Set up or support recovery cafes/networks in liaison with Jobcentre+ specialist needs leads.
  • Well-Being Hubs for SEND. Set up or support well-being hubs in public spaces such as libraries to give young people somewhere safe to go if they need some time out from home. Quiet, relaxed spaces with details of where further support can be found.
  • Sustaining (SMART) Recovery. Family and friends of those recovering from substance misuse often have a greater risk of substance misuse and also are the greatest opportunity to support their loved ones' recovery journey.
  • Yoga classes. Offer daily yoga classes to children and young people.
  • Views and voice of children and young people. Help us design engaging and creative spaces and opportunities, both online and offline to hear the voices of children and young people so we can all find out and respond to what is most important to them.
  • Mental Health First Aiders. Our vision is to have mental health first aiders and counsellors in every school in ÖйúPÕ¾. We also want to see more in workplaces and other places where people frequently spend time.
  • Emotional Well-Being & Mental Health Support. More emotional wellbeing and mental health support for children and young people in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • LGBTQ+ Leads in Schools/Colleges. LGBTQ + leads in every school and college known to children and young people.
  • Animal Therapy in Schools. Animal therapy in schools, teaching children how to care for or look after animals (others, teaching empathy)
  • Work-out groups in nursing homes. Active sessions/work out groups for older people in nursing homes.
  • Social clubs for families. Social community clubs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Woking/surrounding areas.
  • Sports Club for Children with special educational needs (SEN). Sports club for children with SEN, also providing opportunity for parents to meet at drop off/pick up
  • Tackling childhood obesity. Participation in initiatives to tackle childhood obesity.
  • Support for siblings of children and young people (CYP) with a disability. Support/mentoring for siblings of CYP with a disability and young carers
  • Free public outdoor/indoor gym. Setting up of free-access outdoor/indoor gym equipment for users or the public.
  • Day Trips for good health and well-being. Experiences and day trips in ÖйúPÕ¾/London to broaden horizons and promote good health and well-being.
  • Consultancy on specialist issues. Consultancy on specialist issues for Early Help, Family Centres and Family Support Programme
  • Support for parents dealing with specialist issues. Support for local parents groups to answer queries around specialist issues (mental health, etc). – families with children involved in Early Help/Family Centre support (CFLC)
  • Reintegration of Service Users – Adult SM Service. Adult SM service, following the loss of much of the wider available community support we are focused on reintegration of service users into their communities
  • Music lessons for Young People and Adults. Initiatives to support access to music lessons or community choirs for young people and adults.
  • Supporting transition to Adulthood. Supporting transition to adulthood, moving from Y11 to college, transition 'drop in' sessions for the first part of college, straight after finishing Year 11. This would allow for friendly faces and questions about moving from Year 11 to college.
  • Snack Stations. Free snack stations – fruit from local companies, lessons around reducing waste, promoting healthy eating, promoting local produce.

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