
Partner events - ÖйúPÕ¾ Skills Academy

Below you will find details of the different events and courses that have been organised by our partners.

These sessions are not organised by ÖйúPÕ¾ and responsibility for them lies with our partners. Please liaise with them regarding any queries or issues you would like to discuss.

Feel free to get in touch with us on surreyskillsacademy@surreycc.gov.uk if there are any upcoming events you would like us to highlight here.

Fully Funded Leadership Programmes Delivered by Alium Care Training

Brought to you by Alium Care Training are a range of fully funded leadership programmes, developed by Skills for Care specifically for the social care sector.

Alium Care Training is endorsed by Skills for Care as a 'Centre of Excellence' as a mark of their commitment to providing high quality, impactful learning and development for the adult social care sector.

The available programmes are:

  • Lead to Succeed – helping aspiring leaders and managers to develop their leadership and management potential, teaching them how successful behaviours and practical strategies can support leaders in their day-to-day work.
  • Well led – a national leadership development programme for managers of adult social care services working private, public or third sectors. Real-life examples of managers of organisations rated 'good' and 'outstanding' are used to show what is needed to achieve and sustain high standards of person-centred care.
  • CPD Modules – Delivery of three modules in one day, which cover these essential areas:
    • Understanding performance management
    • Understanding self-management skills
    • Understanding workplace culture
  • Leading Change, Improving Care – An exciting 3-day leadership programme taking a practical look at how to influence and implement necessary changes. Enabling participants to consider their own leadership styles, centring on mentoring and coaching.

For further information on each of these programmes, head to , where you will also find details on how to book places. You can contact Alium Care Training on enquiries@aliumcaretraining.co.uk or call them on 0203 4189 717.

To access the funding for these courses, register and / or make sure your ASC – WDS records are fully up to date via Should you need our support to do this then contact Alium Care Training. You can also discuss payment for these courses. At the discretion of the Director, they can arrange for payment to be made on completion of the course and on receipt of funding.

Contributing to Section 42 Enquiries

Various dates, from ÖйúPÕ¾ Safeguarding Adults Board

ÖйúPÕ¾ Safeguarding Adults Board are launching a new course advising providers what they will be expected to do if asked by the local authority to contribute to their Section 42 enquiries.

The aims and objectives for this course are:

  • Understand when s42 duties apply
  • Describe the objectives of an adult safeguarding enquiry
  • Recognise how making safeguarding personal works in practice
  • Understand the different roles with an adult safeguarding enquiry
  • Begin to understand how and when it is appropriate to professionally challenge other agencies during an adult safeguarding enquiry
  • Develop skills to write a good quality adult safeguarding report

To find out more and to book a place, please head to the

Six Steps to Success in End of Life Care for care homes

Various dates, from Princess Alice Hospice

Aiming to ensure all residents at end of life receive high quality care provided by care homes who encompass the philosophy of palliative care.

These sessions will create End of Life champions, developing their knowledge, skills and confidence to share their learning with other members of the team. Champions will be responsible for implementing changes within the care home to improve the quality of end of life care. The programme is delivered via three workshops and full support is given throughout the programme. The portfolio of evidence to support the implementation of the programme which follows the 5 CQC fundamental standards for care homes.

For more information, please contact education@pah.org.uk. You can book a place on the sessions by going to .

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