
Annual health checks

People with a learning disability can sometimes find it hard to know when they are ill and may find it hard to tell someone about it. It is very important to go to your annual health check every year so you and your doctor can find any problems early to help you.

Watch these films to find out how great annual health checks and health action plans are helping Charlotte and Harshi to keep healthy and well.

Charlotte's annual health check and health action plan

How a great annual health check and health action plan is helping Charlotte to keep healthy and stay well.

Harshi's learning disability annual health check and health action plan

Harshi, her mum Khilna and their GP explain why it is important for people with a learning disability to have an annual health check and to follow a health action plan.

Your Annual Health Check (Makaton)

Watch this video with Makaton signing to find out about annual health checks.

Get ready for your health check

Use this Getting ready for my health check guide (PDF) to help you get ready for your health check. It tells you about what to take with you, what questions you may be asked and what checks the doctor may do.

There are liaison nurses who work with doctors to help people with learning disabilities get good care and support.

Your doctor will make a health action plan with you.

Health Action Plan

ÖйúPÕ¾ Partnership Board has a health action plan template that you can use.

The easy read health checklists will help you to stay healthy and think about any problems you may be having. Each one has a health action template you can use.

Health action plan template - female

Female version of my health action plan, use this form to fill out important information about you, your health actions and find useful resources./adults/health-conditions-and-disability/spb/health/annual-health-checks/""

Health action plan template female form fill version (PDF)

Health action plan template - male

Male version of my health action plan, use this form to fill out important information about you, your health actions and find useful resources./adults/health-conditions-and-disability/spb/health/annual-health-checks/""

Health action plan template male form fill version (PDF)

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