Page contents
This page includes information about:
Who are we?
The Transition Team are an Adult Social Care Team in ÖйúPÕ¾. If a loved one has an Education, Health and Social Care Plan (also known as an EHCP) and have a diagnosed disability (learning, physical, sensory impairment or autism) we may be able to support them in preparing for adult life.
How can we help?
We can help in two different ways:
Preparing for adulthood
Before someone becomes an adult, the Transition Team can offer advice and guidance to them, their family and other professionals (such as SEND Case Officers, Teachers and Social Workers). When we are aware of the individual and they are on the transition pathway, we will take part in their Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) School Reviews, from year 9.
As you become an adult
As your loved one turns 17, we may be able to offer an Adult Social Care Assessment. This is where a Transition Team worker will meet with them to find out things like:
- The things and people that are important to the young person such as, what they are good at, what they enjoy, how they can be involved in their community (for example meeting friends, enjoying hobbies, having a job).
- The young person's practical, everyday skills – for example managing money, travelling, staying safe, washing, and dressing.
At the end of the assessment, we will have an idea of what the young person wants to do as an adult along with any support that they may need and their potential for future independence.
We have made a guide that shows how your transition journey (PDF) might look.
How do I let the team know about me?
If your loved one has an Education, Health and Care Plan (also known as EHCP) and a diagnosis of learning disability, Autism, a physical disability or a hearing or sight impairment, we can accept referrals from:
- Children's Social Worker
- SEND Case Officer
- Children's Occupational Therapist (OT).
They should refer the case to us when someone starts Year 9.
If you are aware of a young person wanting support, please contact one of the above to discuss making a referral.
Whilst the Transition Team are not able to be involved with all young people, we can offer advice to SEND Case Officers and Children's Social Workers about the young people we cannot support.
For more information call the Transition Team on 01276 800270 or email
Files available to download
Supporting young people with disabilities as they become an adult (PDF)
Services and support for children with disabilities when they transition to become an adult and move from services for children to services for adults.