
Your support

Support plan

After your assessment, we will tell if you can receive support from Adult Social Care. If you can, we will work with you to create a support plan./adults/health-conditions-and-disability/adulthood/preparing/your-support/""

This plan will show how we can help you achieve your goals and what support you will need to do this.

We will work with you and the people who support you to make sure that the plan reflects what is important to you.

The plan might include things like:

  • support with daily tasks
  • help to continue your education
  • assistance to explore job opportunities
  • advice on finances
  • opportunities to get involved in activities
  • help with decisions about where you want to live
  • advice on relationships or wellbeing.

Your support plan might include help from friends and family, support available in your community, or tech-enabled care (like apps that can help you plan and do things).

If you need a personal assistant to help you, we may be able to pay you so that you can pay someone to help you. We can also pay someone acting on your behalf, which is called a Direct Payment.

Reviewing your support

Once your support plan has started, we will check how it is working. These checks are called reviews. Reviews help us update the support plan if anything changes during your transition to adulthood./adults/health-conditions-and-disability/adulthood/preparing/your-support/""

We will ask you questions like this:

  • Is the plan helping you achieve what you wanted to?
  • Is there anything else you would like to achieve?
  • What would you like to change?

Reviews can happen whenever you talk to the Transition Team – it doesn't always have to be a formal meeting.

What's important is that everything is working for you and the people who are important in your life. If there are any big changes for you, we can do a new Adult Social Care Assessment.

This might be when you leave college, finish a course, gain new skills, want to try new things, or want to move home.

You can use to find support and activities in your community.

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