
Moving a residential or a nursing care home

Moving a residential or nursing care home requires a continuation of your care arrangements. This may involve us and another local authority working with you whist you move, to ensure that your care and support (and any carer's support) are in place before, during and after your move, to provide you with an undisrupted care service and a smooth transition from one residential or nursing home to another.

If your capital exceeds £23,250 or you have sufficient income to meet the full cost of your care, you are considered a 'self-funder'. This means you must meet the full cost of services and we or another local authority will not make any financial contribution towards the costs of your care.

If you move into a residential or nursing care home permanently with savings below the threshold of £23,250 your home will not be included if, for example, your partner still lives there or, in certain circumstances, a relative.

If your capital is under £23,250 you might get some help from your local borough or district local council, but you may still need to contribute towards the fees.

Please also see the following websites for further advice: and

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