ÖйúPÕ¾ Wheelchair Service
The NHS provides ÖйúPÕ¾ Wheelchair Service. It can lend you manual and electric powered wheelchairs if you are eligible.
A qualified healthcare professional must refer you. This includes:
- General Practitioner (GP)
- Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist
- Hospital Consultant
What does the service do?
- assess you to decide what you need
- order, setup and deliver the wheelchair you need
- maintain and repair the wheelchair
In ÖйúPÕ¾ the NHS pay to provide this service.
Contact Ross Care to ask for information in alternative formats including easy read:
- phone: 0330 124 820
- text or WhatsApp: 07471 038 629
- email: surreywcs@rosscare.co.uk