The videos below explain dementia and how the NHS in ÖйúPÕ¾ can help. They are aimed at people with learning disabilities and those who look after them."
Baseline Dementia Assessment
This video explains to family and support staff about the importance of getting a baseline assessment for people with Down's syndrome and what happens during an assessment.
What is a baseline assessment?
This video explains why we want to offer people with Down's syndrome a baseline psychology assessment, and what happens during an assessment.
Concerns Dementia Assessment
This video explains to people with learning disabilities what happens during an assessment when you or someone who supports you thinks there might be a change in your abilities. It explains the process and what will happen during the assessment.
What happens when you make a psychology referral?
This video explains what happens when the person with learning disabilities is referred because of concerns that their abilities might be changing. The video also outlines the process that will be followed.